by the way...
I'm going to see U2 tonight! I wouldn't have personally sought out tickets because, number one, I can't afford them and two, U2 isn't my fave - don't get me wrong, I like em and all and I'm sure seeing them live will highten my opinion of them but I think Bono is waaaay too political, etc, etc, I can go on and on...but The Sweet One's bro got tickets and told us we were going so...I guess I have to...he he! I can't wait. It's gonna be great. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow!! Then you all can be green with envy...or tell me to fuck off because you could care less about U2...either way.
At 2:14 PM, October 21, 2005,
Oh great One said…
Have a good time!
I'm not jealous. I'm not. I'm not. I'M NOT! ;)
At 8:59 PM, October 21, 2005,
arthur decko said…
can't beat free tickets, and U2 have some pretty swank ass tunes...rock on daddy-o...
At 11:18 PM, October 21, 2005,
Richard A said…
U2 is COOL, Bee! Also, GOOD! Hope you had fun at the concert!
I'd rather be watching U2 than this damned Wilma on the Weather Channel as it hits Cozumel before coming to visit us in Floradidia! !Ai Chica Linda, da me un besito, por favor -- Tengo miedo!
At 12:39 PM, October 26, 2005,
(S)wine said…
U2 stopped being U2 after Joshua Tree. Period.
At 12:56 PM, October 26, 2005,
AndyT13 said…
U2 used to be awesome. They were good until POP. I sing in a tribute act so I pretend to be (a less preachy) Bono. He means well but he IS annoy9ing I admit.
Plus tickets are ridiculous. It's just disrespectful. Anyhow, sounds like fun.
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