Seven - It's like a disease...
Okay, so Blazngfyre smacked me on the ass. Here are my 7's.....
Seven:things that are in my fridge right now...
- Seafood club wrap from my favorite beach pub (so freakin' yummy! not all mayo and filler - all lump crab and shrimp)
- Teeth Whitening Bleach (the good stuff! My friend is a dental hygentist)
- Egg Whites
- Beer
- a piece of cheese cake that is TAUNTING me but I must throw it out so I don't eat it ;O(
- Turkey bacon
- swiss cheese
Television programs that are on my 'Now Playing List' on my TiVo...I don't have TiVo but if I did (and one day I will) these would be on my play list:
- Lost
- Survivor
- The Amazing Race
- Washington Redskins Football games
- Paula's Home Cooking (I DO LOVE to cook, and I LOVE Paula!)
- The DailyShow
- Ellen
Things I have never done, and promise to never do...
- Scuba Diving. I've seen "Open Water"! Plus I panic when I can't breath
- traveled to the Middle East
- Gone to a Nascar race, I'm allergic to red necks
- Anal - 'nuff said
- Gone to a Philadelphia Eagles game at their stadium - they have a holding cell in the basement of the stadium, their fans are assholes and I value my life more that football...Sometimes
- Participated in the Running of the Bulls - seriously...I just don't get the mentality behind this event
- Participate or be on a reality television show. I embarrass my family enough without millions of viewers watching me from all around the country/world!
7 of the items in my big lingerie trunk... hmmm, this one is gonna be hard since I loathe underwear...
- The Egg - probably the best toy ever
- My newest boy short undies
- lots of ankle socks - I know, so not sexy...what can I say? I prefer doing it in nothing but my socks!
- My sexy little bikini's - one polka dotted and one black
- The Rockin Rabbit - The Sweet One and I used it once but it basically strangled his manhood so there it sits, in the "lingerie trunk"
- Various other toys that I hate to say don't get used that often...guess we'll have to do something about that, huh?
- that's all I got...
Things I should be doing right now, instead of wasting time on the computer...
- Working on a toy chest I am painting for my friend's baby shower
- Cleaning my house
- Working on a purse I'm making for my BF's mom
- Working out
- Sleeping
- Making healthy food for this week's lunches
- Paying my bills
Folk whom I hope will answer their very own Sevens of their choosing, I know, I know, you can all bitch slap me later, now shaadap and do it...
At 6:35 PM, September 01, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
FUCK! I've made the "big time" I guess...damn spammers!!
At 6:59 PM, September 01, 2005,
Chick said…
I'm with you on the anal...I sure am...
At 8:27 AM, September 02, 2005,
Unknown said…
I agree with no anal too!!:)
I'm working on my lists. Thanks for sharing yours.
At 10:52 AM, September 02, 2005,
aughra said…
haey - I did a tag a while back, and those were mine, but I encouraged people to pick their own. IT looks like some didn't pick their own, and it made it's way to you. Neat.
I feel a sense of authorship!
At 11:30 AM, September 02, 2005,
wopanese said…
damn you!!!
love the lingerie box answer - that rabbit is a horrifyingly effective piece of equipment and certainly forces men to get their motion down pat! Scary...
and boy shorts, well, they rule... but that's just my opinion.
Philly football fans SUCK. The WORST. There's a reason they were the FIRST stadium that has a judge and jail cells in it.
Redskins - I knew you couldn't be perfect... ;)
At 1:16 PM, September 02, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
Chick - say no to anal! ha ha, just kidding, it's just not for me.
Big Dipper - get to work! can't wait to see your list. and I'm so glad to hear that you don't receive anal...
Storm - WV on! As for Amazing Race, I am scared too! This may be the season they "jump the shark"
Aughra - I'm glad that your list made it this far. You should be proud ;O) That is kind of cool to see somethign you started kind of come full also means that I had no energy to make up my own list so I just used whatever the person that tagged me used, he he
Steph - hop to it! I can't WAIT to see what your list has on it.
Wop - I believe the imperfect one is you my friend. I mean, come on. You live in the "Redskins" area and yet you are a DALLAS fan? ugghh! Okay, don't get me started. I still want to be your friend ((Hug)) ;O)
At 2:08 PM, September 02, 2005,
Richard A said…
Hi, you Funky Redskin Pirate!
Gotta tell you those spammers MUSTa been automated -- they got me about the time they got you! (The "word verification" works to stymie them, though.) I gotta not accept comments for awhile because of it.
Say, I wanna tell you SCUBA is much better than snorkeling! You have continuous dry air coming into your mouth anytime you want it -- no water, whatsoever! NOT like snorkeling which can gag like (I imagine) a great deep-throat would.
Now, as for anal, I suspect giving IS better than receiving. Ask some of those anals up on Capitol Hill!
At 3:52 PM, September 02, 2005,
Calvin said…
throw away cheesecake?! *aaaargh*
At 5:04 PM, September 02, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
RA - I prefer to just stay out of harms way (aka SHARKS), so I will keep my underwater activities to the deep end at my local pool and the area where I can still stand in the shallow part of the ocean at my beach. I already went into panic mode when a huge wave took me and my bathing suit top down at the beach this past weekend. That's all I can take I'm afraid!
s! - I's tragic what must be done for vanity! hmmm, skinny, able to fit into a bathing suit or cheesecake? sometimes the decision is just too hard!!
At 5:40 PM, September 02, 2005,
wopanese said…
well, I grew up in Hawaii and da 'Boys were on all the time... I moved to Redneck central and that only confirmed my belief that I had chosen the right team.
In all honesty, some of my best friends are Redskins fans. ;)
At least they aren't EAGLES fans!
At 1:41 AM, September 06, 2005,
HS said…
heehee...great answers! Ok, I'll do this on wednesday or late tomorrow :)
At 5:23 AM, September 06, 2005,
Unknown said…
I've done my sevens Your Funkyness. Hope you are suitably pleased. :)
At 9:41 PM, September 06, 2005,
peachy said…
Oh chose me!
I just got back from vacation, but I'll write up my list in the morning. The 7 refrigerator items is going to be difficult. hee hee.
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