It's Dorky Tuesday!
Okay, so I was going to conveniently forget about Dorky Tuesday but everyone is doing it and in order to be a "cool kid" I thought I'd better get in on it. So, ladies and dorky picture:
I figure this to be some time in the early 80's. You know, the famous Olan Mills portrait. I'm diggin on the fall path that I just decided to stop along for my oh so natural pose. You know, the leaning on the tree stump, or maybe it's the fence post...? Now lets move onto my dress. Ahhh, classic 80's! The cut, the colors, the hearts and stripes. It doesn't get much better than this ladies. And lastly, the Crystal Gayle-esque long straight hair. In, my classic pig tail style. I think my mom did my hair in pig tails from the minute I grew enough hair. It's been my signature look all my life!
So there you have it. Hope I've provided you some entertainment and next week, maybe a homecoming dance picture!!! AAAHHH!
At 12:54 PM, September 06, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Looking forward to the homecoming pic, this is great as well. Love the back ground.
At 1:09 PM, September 06, 2005,
lecram sinun said…
That is great! Love the pic... I think I have that same background in my office!
At 2:27 PM, September 06, 2005,
Chick said…
OMG...that is too cute (yet dorky!)...I had that same dooo for most of my I just have to dig up a pic!
At 5:30 PM, September 06, 2005,
wopanese said…
alright, on the count of 3, everyone say "awww..." I can hardly wait to see the big hair of homecoming... you had "big hair" didn't you? ;)
I would do dorky tuesday but then, what would I do on Thursdays??
At 5:37 PM, September 06, 2005,
aughra said…
Oh man, I think I have the same exact picture! Wearing possibly the same dress. How old are you? 27-29?
Stupid fence post.
At 5:59 PM, September 06, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
lance - you SAY you're looking forward to the HC pic but when you see if you might die! AAACK!
Lecram - the background is classic!
Jenny - it's okay, perhaps they were dorks and it rubbed off on me ;o)
storm - you are so sweet, as usual!
Chick - come on! Dig up some pic's
steph - I'm sure I can dig up a pic of me wearing somethign silly like that too
Wop - Alas, you know me all too well. But of course I had big hair. Didn't all the cool, I mean dorky, chicks? And I also had what my parent's liked to call the "venus fly trap" - you know, the big bangs/things in the front of every girl's head...
Aughra - you are so on it girl! I'm 28!! I think we ALL have the picture somewhere in our "do not open" files! You know, the one's your parents think are SO CUTE... PUKE!!
At 7:01 PM, September 06, 2005,
BTExpress said…
Aw, come on. You were cute.
At 7:38 PM, September 06, 2005,
Lelly said…
Yup, you were very cute, and as you're only 28, I'll bet you still are! *sigh as eases aching back*
At 7:40 PM, September 06, 2005,
(S)wine said…
No way! This is way cute. I love it.
At 8:23 PM, September 06, 2005,
techymike said…
Aww, it's dorky, but it's a cute dorky! Tee hee hee!
Happy DT!!!
At 12:03 AM, September 07, 2005,
HS said…
aw, you're cute! My mom use to put my hair in pig tails and I still wear pig tails to this day :)
At 5:36 AM, September 07, 2005,
Unknown said…
So cute and not at all dorky.
At 2:41 PM, September 07, 2005,
Calvin said…
that is cute!! :-)
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