The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Bitch session...

Okay, this is gonna be short and sweet, well, maybe not so sweet...

WHY, on god's green earth do some women walk into a bathroom with 7 stalls and decide to utilize the one RIGHT NEXT DOOR to another "in use" stall? Don't you want your privacy? Don't you want to not be all up in someone else's bathroom space? UUUGGGH! BATHROOM ETIQUETTE LADIES! LEARN IT, LOVE IT, LIVE IT!!!

This bugs the SHITE out of me and maybe that's why it is always little old me who ends up with Shitty McGee who decides to plop her ass right in the stall next to mine. You know, that one that is all the way at the end and proceeded by 6 empty stalls!!!!!!!!!!


  • At 3:47 PM, September 07, 2005, Blogger Chick said…

    Some people...sheesh!

    I know when I take a shit...or even a pee...for that matter...

    I want my space...damn it!

  • At 5:54 PM, September 07, 2005, Blogger (S)wine said… least you don't have to deal with some fucko pissing into the urinal next to yours and splattering his fucking urine all over your feet. Note to self: stop wearing flip-flops.


  • At 4:51 AM, September 08, 2005, Blogger Unknown said…

    Men have similar problems although we all seem to know the rules.
    Go here to see urinal etiquette utest.html

  • At 10:00 AM, September 08, 2005, Blogger Andi said…

    I hate HATE that. SPACE is integral!

  • At 10:53 AM, September 08, 2005, Blogger wopanese said…

    Aww, c'mon... she musta just been LONELY! Or she, like so many others, just wants to get close to you! ;)

    Even if you ARE a Redskins fan.

  • At 11:21 AM, September 08, 2005, Blogger Oh great One said…

    YES! I'm SOOOO with you on this one!

  • At 2:39 PM, September 08, 2005, Blogger (S)wine said…

    what's wrong with 'skins fans? other than their propensity to eat sausages and dress like hogs in Sunday Church hats?

  • At 11:30 AM, September 13, 2005, Blogger ago-go said…

    slightly different topic but i also hate women who pee on the seat. and then, don't wipe it up! i just don't get it. hello? take some paper and give the seat a quick wipe. dirty hovering fuckers.

  • At 3:35 PM, September 14, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You ought to buzz over to Japan where there are no separators between stalls and men and women sit on commodes next to each other at the same time!

    Bee, REAL Pirates don't worry about shitting like this! LOL (Sorry about that but you gotta get down & dirty!)


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