I went and saw Hot Fuzz on Tuesday night. If you're considering seeing it go. It was quite funny. It started a little slow. Well, not slow. It just seemed very "serious" at the beginning and I caught myself thinking, isn't this movie supposed to be funny? But it didn't disappoint.
Did anyone watch LOST last night? It was delicious! Another great show and next week looks like it's gonna be a great one too!
So I have to admit something that I am really embarrassed about...I think I'm having puppy regret. Don't get me wrong, I love this damn dog. She is the cutest little thing and every time she looks at me with those sweet little puppy eyes or comes and wakes me up in the morning with a sloppy wet kiss I love her even more. But...this morning on the way to work I started thinking of last summer and then how different this summer is going to be. No more picking up and going to the beach for the weekend. No more running to Manhattan to visit friends on a whim. We have to plan our trips and even just our normal outings around the dog and whether or not we have someone to watch her. My parents/sisters already watched her when we went away to Florida a few weeks ago and we have a couple of other options in terms of family/friends watching her but you can only rely on those resources so much and you can only call on people so many times before they're sick of you and your dog.
I don't know. We'd never get rid of the dog, I don't think we could handle that, but I'm just feeling a little conflicted. I know soon enough she won't be such a puppy anymore and she won't be so needy, waking up at 5 and 6am to go pee. She'll stop chewing on socks and we'll be able to leave her for longer periods of time making life a little easier. It's also hard because I want to take her everywhere with us but it's just not possible and then I feel guilty. Most places are just not pet friendly. I guess I'm just kind of mourning the loss of our freedom.
Is this gonna get any easier? What the hell will I do if I have kids? I guess you can take those little animals with you most places, unlike a dog...
Did anyone watch LOST last night? It was delicious! Another great show and next week looks like it's gonna be a great one too!
So I have to admit something that I am really embarrassed about...I think I'm having puppy regret. Don't get me wrong, I love this damn dog. She is the cutest little thing and every time she looks at me with those sweet little puppy eyes or comes and wakes me up in the morning with a sloppy wet kiss I love her even more. But...this morning on the way to work I started thinking of last summer and then how different this summer is going to be. No more picking up and going to the beach for the weekend. No more running to Manhattan to visit friends on a whim. We have to plan our trips and even just our normal outings around the dog and whether or not we have someone to watch her. My parents/sisters already watched her when we went away to Florida a few weeks ago and we have a couple of other options in terms of family/friends watching her but you can only rely on those resources so much and you can only call on people so many times before they're sick of you and your dog.
I don't know. We'd never get rid of the dog, I don't think we could handle that, but I'm just feeling a little conflicted. I know soon enough she won't be such a puppy anymore and she won't be so needy, waking up at 5 and 6am to go pee. She'll stop chewing on socks and we'll be able to leave her for longer periods of time making life a little easier. It's also hard because I want to take her everywhere with us but it's just not possible and then I feel guilty. Most places are just not pet friendly. I guess I'm just kind of mourning the loss of our freedom.
Is this gonna get any easier? What the hell will I do if I have kids? I guess you can take those little animals with you most places, unlike a dog...
At 1:19 PM, May 03, 2007,
Anonymous said…
I can really relate to your mixed emotions. First off, of course, she is going to mature and be less needy; but second, also of course, she will always be dependent on you. I suggest you look into a bonded, insured, experienced petsitter. My kats are elderly and have health conditions necessitating twice-daily medicating. Which is not a problem for *me* to administer, but since they are all feral rescues, they hide under the bed if I have to leave them in the care of a petsitter!
At 2:04 PM, May 03, 2007,
Oh great One said…
You've hit on the very reason I've been dragging my feet on getting a dog. I love them but they are a lot of work and they certainly change the way you have to plan things.
Hang in there. She'll get easier to care for.
At 4:53 PM, May 03, 2007,
Sassy said…
I felt the same way. I remember thinking...why the hell did we get a dog? I have to get up earlier to walk him, rain or shine, and I pay all this money for food, toys, vet, etc. Why bother?!
Then when he went to get fixed, there were complications and he had to stay over night. I instantly knew. He had weezled his way into my heart and I was worried sick and missed him like crazy. It's funny how it happens.
It's probably the same way with kids ;-)
At 8:35 PM, May 03, 2007,
peachy said…
I know exactly what you mean. I want to get another dog SO badly, but I'm torn too. Maybe one of these days. In the meantime, enjoy the fun you're having. If something bad happened, you'd be crushed.
At 11:24 PM, May 03, 2007,
Andi said…
Out of curiosity, is there a reputable place around to board dogs? There are some great places around here with lots of room for the dogs to run around at play time and stuff. And I'm sure if there are places here, there are more where you live!
It'll get better; it's a big adjustment. Hang in there!
At 10:55 AM, May 04, 2007,
The Funky Bee said…
Thanks you guys, you always make me feel better. And I do love the little bitch. I don't think I could live without her at this point :O)
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