The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Okay, if you didn't watch last night's LOST episode and you don't want me to ruin it then stop reading here...I'll give you a minute....

Okay. So, last night's LOST pretty much sucked ass! WTF? I hate Nikki and Paulo and I can't believe they wasted a WHOLE episode on them. I had to rewind and watch the first 5 min's two times to figure out if I was watching the right show. When I saw Billy Dee Williams I thought I was watching an old Colt 45 commercial or it was a spoof on Jimmy Kimmel or something...

This episode can be summed up by Sawyer..."And WHO ARE YOU ANYWAY?"

The fact that the two of them were supposedly doing all this "exploring" on their own, found another plane, a hatch, etc, etc, and told no one is LAME but at least the writers got the hint that no one liked them and got rid of them. Did they need to dedicate a whole episode to them? NO!!! I would have preferred a whole episode dedicated to Vincent the dog, it would have been a hell of a lot more interesting.

I'm glad that what's her face opened her eyes. I hope being buried alive with her miserable slut diamonds sucks as much as their "life" on the show.

Can you tell I'm fired up? What can I say? I love my LOST, but last night's ep "lost" me...


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