It's snowing here right now. Yes...SNOWING. I am really looking forward to my trip and some warmer weather. And as sad as it sounds, I can't wait to EAT in New Orleans. I love all the little divey, local joints. And, I'll have to admit that I also can't wait to eat at Acme Oyster House. This is one establishments that is totally touristy but at the same time is still loved by locals and their food still totally rocks. I am ready for a po'boy and a couple pounds of craw fish burning my lips off and the only thing that puts the fire out is an ice cold Abita! YUM. Somehow not being able to eat meat on Friday doesn't seem like such a problem anymore.
Something I don't understand is why people frequent the places like Bubba Gump's? I wonder if that gnarly place is still in the French Quarter. Who ever allowed that in the first place? I guess it's a good money maker. All the mid westerners that come in to NoLa and are like WOW a real life Bubba Gumps! I mean, would you even trust eating food there? Do they sell food there? My impression of food you might get there would be a soggy shrimp salad with warm old mayonnaise and soggy shredded lettuce. And an Iced tea that probably has mold spores growing in it. Ewww. I'm grossing myself out now...
I act like there isn't a TON of places to eat in D.C. We have so many restaurants here, so many very good restaurants, but there's nothing like eating in the true south. The only person I've ever known to actually complain about the restaurant selection in D.C. is Beck. But he's a vegan and I don't trust anyone that doesn't eat bacon.
Well, like I said, it's cold and it's snowing OH and I ate two donuts this morning. Life is good.
Something I don't understand is why people frequent the places like Bubba Gump's? I wonder if that gnarly place is still in the French Quarter. Who ever allowed that in the first place? I guess it's a good money maker. All the mid westerners that come in to NoLa and are like WOW a real life Bubba Gumps! I mean, would you even trust eating food there? Do they sell food there? My impression of food you might get there would be a soggy shrimp salad with warm old mayonnaise and soggy shredded lettuce. And an Iced tea that probably has mold spores growing in it. Ewww. I'm grossing myself out now...
I act like there isn't a TON of places to eat in D.C. We have so many restaurants here, so many very good restaurants, but there's nothing like eating in the true south. The only person I've ever known to actually complain about the restaurant selection in D.C. is Beck. But he's a vegan and I don't trust anyone that doesn't eat bacon.
Well, like I said, it's cold and it's snowing OH and I ate two donuts this morning. Life is good.
At 12:08 PM, March 07, 2007,
Kelly said…
Snow in March is ALWAYS wrong.
At 1:08 PM, March 07, 2007,
Kelly said… Try this link
At 1:57 PM, March 07, 2007,
The Funky Bee said…
MY - you are correct. It is wrong and I will check out your book list.
Danjer - I will visit the gumboshop, order that delectable sounding meal and toast you with my icy cold chardonnay. God I could use one of those right now!
At 3:06 PM, March 07, 2007,
Oh great One said…
I love the line about anyone who doesn't eat bacon! In my family we call bacon "natures sweet candy"!
It's 73 here today! I figure that ought to put your excitement into overdrive!
At 4:12 PM, March 07, 2007,
The Funky Bee said…
OGO - my MIL got us a "bacon of the month" club membership for X-Mas! That's how bad we are. I love me some pig!! And I can not WAIT to get down south. Tomorrow night I'll be wearing my flip flops on Royal Street in the French Quarter ;O)
At 7:51 PM, March 07, 2007,
Sassy said…
Have you seen all the bacon things you can get? Like little bacon strip bandaids or a shower cap?
I bought a bunch of it for my vegetarian friend. I think I'm funny.
At 9:31 PM, March 07, 2007,
The Funky Bee said…
I think I'm funny too Sass ;O)
At 11:26 PM, March 07, 2007,
Rat In A Cage said…
I hope it won't be too hot to BBQ on the patrio this weekend. The forecast is for low 90s.
At 11:49 PM, March 07, 2007,
moontaco said…
When did Beck complain about DC restaurants? That's pretty funny. I didn't know he was a vegan. That must be recent, because I remember a couple of years ago I read an interview with him and the reporter said he was eating steak during it.
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