The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


This FUCKING spider was in my basement yesterday!!! I am cringing looking at it. I went to grab the detergent to do a load of laundry and thought I was going to die when I saw this! I think he was hairy...TSO wasn't around so I had to go get my 21 year old neighbor to take care of it. He squashed it....EEEWWW

This thing is like a tarantula! It's so big it got red eye when I took a picture of it. I am praying there are none of his relatives still living in my basement or I may have to move out. (*chills*)

SO - The Sweet One is leaving for his bachelor party weekend tomorrow morning...Him and the boys are heading to Montreal, Canada. Gambling, strip know, the usual. I think that Montreal is the new Vegas. Guys go to Vegas so many times in their lifetimes that I think it was nice that they changed it up a bit. At first they wanted to go to Amsterdam but that would have resulted in no wedding taking place. I won't even get into that whole thing...I am not worried about him so much. I think he's going to have a BLAST. It's his boys I'm worried about. Some of them can get a little crazy...

When did the tradition ever come about that you are supposed to mess around with a hooker/stripper before you get married? Now, I don't know too many men that have really ever done that, but I think some people really do. I don't think TSO would ever do something so stupid and gross, he just doesn't seem the type or like he would want to mess around with a dirty girl, but I really could see some of his creepier friends doing something like that. Maybe they will, they have nothing to lose and they're not getting married. Hey, maybe some of them will come back married...he he!

I'll update you all when he gets back, mainly to let you know if the wedding is going forward, JUST KIDDING...I do have to say, with the way my week started and everything I have been dealing with, TSO has been nothing short of phenomenal. He has been so supportive and encouraging and it's days like that and his showing of love and support for me that reaffirms why I am marrying this man. He is truly my soul mate and my better half...

okay, enough of the sappy shite!

I must work. Is it Friday yet?


  • At 10:25 AM, June 14, 2006, Blogger Oh great One said…

    First of all that is one NASTY spider! You should call out an exterminator to spray for you! I just did and it made me feel so much better!

    The worst my honey's bachelor party got was dinner at Hooters! Then by chance we ended up at the same club by the end of the night. He was so drunk he couldn't even dance! My girls and I went to a male review and they bought me dances all night. The guys were great from a distance but it heebed me out when they were grinding on me. I guess it wasn't my thing.

  • At 11:45 AM, June 14, 2006, Blogger Cold Hands said…

    Holy fuck that is one scary spider, and im not even scared of spiders.

    IM glad tso had been good to ya, and i know he will do the right thing over the weekend. what are you doing for yours??

  • At 4:01 PM, June 14, 2006, Blogger Paul said…

    that's so big, you should charge it rent. (if it were still alive, of course)

  • At 9:17 PM, June 14, 2006, Blogger The Funky Bee said…

    danjer - I know right? I'm SO sorry, I just opened the page and jumped! I might have to take that down.

    Paul - I wouldn't bother charging that thing rent, I would just move out and let him have the house...if he was still alive that is ;O)

    Cold Hands - TSO will be fine, I hope he has a fucking blast, with the crew he'll be with it'll be hard not to. I am probably heading to the beach with my girls. Nothing too out of control. I hate male strippers so we'll just see the free kind at the beach ;O) he he...

    OGO - I am thinking I may need to call an exterminator. If there's one of those there may be more and that alone makes me want to vomit...and run screaming from the house. there's no chance that TSO and I will end of at the same club, that's for sure!

  • At 8:30 AM, June 15, 2006, Blogger peachy said…

    Yikes. I wouldn't have been able to sit there and take a picture.

    Where are you going for your party? TSO will live vicariously through his friends I'm sure of it. Some guys are so pathetic.

  • At 1:21 PM, June 15, 2006, Blogger Andi said…

    Holyfuckingshit, SPIDER! My god that's awful. I've never heard of a spider with an eye large enough to get the red eye.

    And TSO sounds like a total sweetheart, and I'm sure he'll have a good, tame time on his bachelor trip. The friends, blah. Like you said, maybe they'll come back married/annulled (sp?).

  • At 2:25 PM, June 15, 2006, Blogger HS said…

    holy! that is a HUGE spider!

    And Montreal is a good time, I'm sure they had fun :)

  • At 6:08 PM, June 15, 2006, Blogger Sassy said…

    Holy shiiiit!
    That is one huge spider!! I would have run screaming from that and I'm usually okay with them.

    Montreal will be a blast!

  • At 9:01 PM, June 15, 2006, Blogger CaCaBoy said…


    Enough said!


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