Wow! It's Monday and this week is already crazy! I have a ton of work to get done before the Sweet one, my friend J and her hubby S and I head to Napa and San Francisco on Thursday A.M. I can not WAIT to just be there, wine in hand and work off my mind! I don't love to fly but found a sweet direct flight on JetBlue airways out to the west coast. I have never flown JetBlue but I am pretty excited about it. This is the airline that has direct tv for each passenger!! This means that I will have my OWN REMOTE! Something very hard to come by when with the Sweet One! Plus, just having the freedom, and comfort of watching whatever the hell you want while surrounded by 150 other morons is a great feeling...knowing me, my unit won't be working and I'll have to share with the 300lb grandma that is SURE to be crowding up the seat next to me and part of mine...ahhh, I love flying! Bring on the Xanax and mini's...
So, a quick recap from the weekend...Saturday was one of my bestest friend's baby shower. Now, I hope I don't offend anyone, but I think showers are lame, stupid, boring, blah, blah, blah! I guess they are a "necessary" evil, but I just feel like there is such a better way to have a party to celebrate pending nuptials or babies and get gifts and have fun. One way is to include men and not play those silly games that people play at showers...YUCK! Thankfully that is where my friends and I put our foot down - no goofy shower games, unless they involve tequila and quarters...So I spent Friday night cooking and preparing for the party - oh what fun! Spent the majority of Saturday at the shower, which I will not bore you with details about! Came home with a severe headache, decided to take a nap before going out and cleansing myself of the cheeseball party by drinking my face off...Unfortunately I could barely wake up and then when I did the headache was still there SO I stayed in and watched The Motorcycle Diaries...if you haven't seeing it I HIGHLY recommend it! I really, really liked it and can't say enough good things about it. So, not only did the shower ruin a beautiful day, it ruined my Saturday night too, BUT I probably needed it. A night all about me. Rest and relaxation, or detoxation.
So, I woke up well rested on Sunday morning in time to get over to our tailgate party for one of the ugliest football games I've been to in a while. BUT we won, and a win is a win I presume...I did end up drinking way more than I had planned so I sufficiently made up for my lame Saturday. The Sweet One and I watched Sideways last night. I can't remember who told me this was a good movie but when I remember I will choke them. If you haven't seen it don't waste your time! I am still trying to figure out how on earth I could get that 2.5 hours of my life back. That has got to be one of the worst movies I have seen in my life and just reconfirms my theory that the members of the Academy are a bunch of crack heads. I could go on but I've wasted too much time on the subject as it is.
Today was a freakin whirlwind of activity. I woke up and met trainy trainertons at 7am - a little later than usual and it felt good! She got a taste of my asthma today, I think my strained breathing kind of scared her a little and I was kind of glad because she took it easy on me for a few minutes...but then it was back to the ass kicking! Got to work super early, wrote a whole week's worth of scripts and got a shit load of work done! Now, it's time to get my ass in bed so that my mind can start racing about all the things that I need to get done before my trip on Thursday. Yipeee!
So, a quick recap from the weekend...Saturday was one of my bestest friend's baby shower. Now, I hope I don't offend anyone, but I think showers are lame, stupid, boring, blah, blah, blah! I guess they are a "necessary" evil, but I just feel like there is such a better way to have a party to celebrate pending nuptials or babies and get gifts and have fun. One way is to include men and not play those silly games that people play at showers...YUCK! Thankfully that is where my friends and I put our foot down - no goofy shower games, unless they involve tequila and quarters...So I spent Friday night cooking and preparing for the party - oh what fun! Spent the majority of Saturday at the shower, which I will not bore you with details about! Came home with a severe headache, decided to take a nap before going out and cleansing myself of the cheeseball party by drinking my face off...Unfortunately I could barely wake up and then when I did the headache was still there SO I stayed in and watched The Motorcycle Diaries...if you haven't seeing it I HIGHLY recommend it! I really, really liked it and can't say enough good things about it. So, not only did the shower ruin a beautiful day, it ruined my Saturday night too, BUT I probably needed it. A night all about me. Rest and relaxation, or detoxation.
So, I woke up well rested on Sunday morning in time to get over to our tailgate party for one of the ugliest football games I've been to in a while. BUT we won, and a win is a win I presume...I did end up drinking way more than I had planned so I sufficiently made up for my lame Saturday. The Sweet One and I watched Sideways last night. I can't remember who told me this was a good movie but when I remember I will choke them. If you haven't seen it don't waste your time! I am still trying to figure out how on earth I could get that 2.5 hours of my life back. That has got to be one of the worst movies I have seen in my life and just reconfirms my theory that the members of the Academy are a bunch of crack heads. I could go on but I've wasted too much time on the subject as it is.
Today was a freakin whirlwind of activity. I woke up and met trainy trainertons at 7am - a little later than usual and it felt good! She got a taste of my asthma today, I think my strained breathing kind of scared her a little and I was kind of glad because she took it easy on me for a few minutes...but then it was back to the ass kicking! Got to work super early, wrote a whole week's worth of scripts and got a shit load of work done! Now, it's time to get my ass in bed so that my mind can start racing about all the things that I need to get done before my trip on Thursday. Yipeee!
At 7:34 AM, September 13, 2005,
Calvin said…
JetBlue is a great airline.. the DirectTV is great, as are the blue potato chips! try them!! they've good service and are on time, and if you book early enough, quite reasonably priced too.
agree with you on 'The Motorcycle Diaries' and 'Sideways' too.. heheh
At 11:58 AM, September 13, 2005,
Oh great One said…
Ahh San Francisco, a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to LIVE there. Napa on the other hand.....
I HATE baby/wedding showers too. They suck. The only good one is when it's yours and you have a truckload of booty to take home!
At 12:53 PM, September 13, 2005,
peachy said…
I thought Sideways was quirky but hilarious. Sorry you didn't like it.
I thought about you when I saw clips of the Redskins game. You have season tickets, right? The Ravens lost big time, unfortunately.
At 3:28 PM, September 13, 2005,
wopanese said…
You can also take your own food and drinks onto the plane - not sure about alcohol, but I brought a sub and some chips for that same 5 hour flight when I went to Modesto in June.
And remember these key words - CURBSIDE CHECKIN!!
At 10:10 PM, September 13, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
s! - I am so excited about the flight now! I am hearing such great things.
Steph - i wish i could afford my lifestyle! ha ha...I would travel even more than I do now. I'm gonna email u next week and maybe we can hook up in Austin!
OGO - I'm gonna remember that for when its my time and try not to complain about all the showers I have to go to! and I LOVE Napa and love San Fran not as much as Napa. I can't wait to get there! woo hoo
Storm - I'm calling you crazy...
Peachy - I do have season tix for the Skins and was at the miserable game on Sunday, but I drank enough to dull the pain. I see the Ravens did no better...sorry, maybe next week ;O)
Wop - I don't know if you're allowed or not but I ALWAYS take my little vodka mini's on the plane with me - I'm a lush and they make me more comfortable when I fly...what can I say?
At 8:17 AM, September 14, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Enjoy the trip out to Napa, Jet Blue from what I have heard is a great airline. If you sit next to three hundred pound Mama, when you check in ask for a bulkhead seat or exit row, they both have extra room, never a middle seat so you won't be inbetween to armpits.
At 10:06 AM, September 14, 2005,
(S)wine said…
I'm in the middle with Sideways. It is definitely over-rated. But i wouldn't blast it as much as you. I don't understand what's so quirky about it, or where that "intelligent dialogue" is. If that's intelligent dialogue, we're doomed. Last American film with "intelligent dialogue" was Mamet's "Glengarry Glenross." Americans won't go see "intelligent dialogue" otherwise we'd have better films made. Think Goddard and Truffaut. Their films would never fly here. I loved the Motorcycle Diaries. But, aside from the films, you ought to read Che's original notes.
At 11:42 AM, September 14, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
Lance - I'm curious to know what airline you work for...are you allowed to say? I need a pilot like you to put my mind at ease...then I'll leave my bag behind and see if you bring it to me ;O)
Lx - I just felt like the characters in Sideways were SO unlikeable and depressing. I can deal with reality but this was far from it. I'll check out the other movie you suggested. About Che - I have read a few things on him, nothing too extensive but I do have some books that I haven't gotten to yet. My family is from Ecuador and my grandfather owns a huge farm that was/is worked by many of the indigenous people of the Andes mountains. He has always been a fan of Che's and I never fully understood why but it all makes a little more sense now.
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