It's FRIDAY!!!
Thank the fucking LORD! This week has been from hell and I am ready to CHILL! Since we returned from our two weeks of flying around the country the Sweet One and I have been saying that we are going to spend a whole weekend in bed BUT since we are so damn popular (he he) we have had a million things to do and have a million things going on every weekend in October! We have settled on this Sunday. We will sleep, have sex, sleep some more, have a fantastic meal, watch the Skins game, have sex get the picture! I can't WAIT!!!
Tonight we're going to see Bob Mould at the 9:30 Club. Anyone who's ever been to D.C. and visited this club knows what a cool, small venue it is. I love it there!! And they always have really good shows. A lot of artists really like to perform there because it's small but not too small, cool without being pretentious and crazy without having to worry that someone might shoot you during a concert...? You know what I'm saying...
Saturday I am cleaning my house from top to bottom. Sadly, the poor house has been neglected as of late and I plan to put a stop to that once and for all! Saturday night we're going to see Paul McCartney with my parents and brothers. We grew up listening to the Beatles and it's very nostalgic for me to hear Paul play all of these songs that I love LIVE. I know I'm a huge dork but the last time we saw him, I guess it was 3 or 4 years ago, I totally got choked up and teary during his performance. I'll try to keep it under control this time! And I know that most people either love or hate the Beatles/Paul McCartney. I happen to love them...sorry to all you haters out there. My parents are totally cool too - they love to drink just as much as we do. We're all gonna meet up at this awesome steak house, The Capitol Grille , where none of us can afford to go without my parents, drink martinis and eat a great meal then head to the concert. It should be a great night.
Sunday...well, you know what happens Sunday! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend. I hope to share some great stories on Monday!
Tonight we're going to see Bob Mould at the 9:30 Club. Anyone who's ever been to D.C. and visited this club knows what a cool, small venue it is. I love it there!! And they always have really good shows. A lot of artists really like to perform there because it's small but not too small, cool without being pretentious and crazy without having to worry that someone might shoot you during a concert...? You know what I'm saying...
Saturday I am cleaning my house from top to bottom. Sadly, the poor house has been neglected as of late and I plan to put a stop to that once and for all! Saturday night we're going to see Paul McCartney with my parents and brothers. We grew up listening to the Beatles and it's very nostalgic for me to hear Paul play all of these songs that I love LIVE. I know I'm a huge dork but the last time we saw him, I guess it was 3 or 4 years ago, I totally got choked up and teary during his performance. I'll try to keep it under control this time! And I know that most people either love or hate the Beatles/Paul McCartney. I happen to love them...sorry to all you haters out there. My parents are totally cool too - they love to drink just as much as we do. We're all gonna meet up at this awesome steak house, The Capitol Grille , where none of us can afford to go without my parents, drink martinis and eat a great meal then head to the concert. It should be a great night.
Sunday...well, you know what happens Sunday! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend. I hope to share some great stories on Monday!
At 8:59 PM, October 07, 2005,
Oh great One said…
It sounds like you have an incredible weekend planned! The shows sound nice too.
At 11:29 AM, October 09, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Hope you're enjoying your weekend as planned! Hehehe... Music of The Beatles and/or Paul McCartney is GREAT! Very beautiful & often thought-provoking! And Paul is no Fool On The Hill -- he loves beautiful, young women... and GETS to! (A bit like a pirate might, don't you think?)
At 11:02 PM, October 09, 2005,
Andi said…
Have fun sleeping and sexing!!!
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