It's humiliating story time girls and boys...
Okay, it's a good thing I enjoy sharing my most embarrassing experiences with complete strangers all over cyberspace. And lucky for you there are no pictures to go along with this post!
So, like most women I know, I like to stay trim and slim down below, if you know what I mean! Now I of course take the appropriate actions - shaving, waxing, you know...the normal stuff, but sometimes you must go above and beyond or should we say below and beyond. Anyway, you have to do bush maintenance if you will... I am no fan of 70's bush (NSFW).
The other day I got out my trusty trimming scissors, or my bush trimmers as I like to call them - yes I have a special pair just for this special little area. Got prepared to make it all puuurdy down there, began a little snip here, a little snip there and then I heard a much BIGGER snip and realized that I actually snipped my SKIN! Yes, that's right. I slashed my most intimate of areas all in the name of vanity! They say that fashion hurts some times but this one really stung.
I think I went into shock. I don't want to get too too graphic but there was a flap of skin and I just kept hearing the sound of scissors cutting through flesh over and over in my mind. I kind of wanted to hurl. It wasn't down below - below. It was more towards the underwear line. I guess if I wore underwear this would make more sense but I'm trying to get as specific and describe the situation as well as I can without grossing you all out too badly. So I inspect. There's skin. There's blood. I'm sad. I immediately put a little baby band-aid on the spot. It was kind of cute to be honest with you, but at the same time I now have an ugly, scary CUT in my area! This is the kind of thing you see in movies. I laugh at the trimming challenged and here I am cutting up the petunia like a Soprano after a hit!!
Ladies and gents please join me in mourning the injury of pretty petunia pussy. May she get well soon! Oh and as a public service announcement, PLEASE be careful when trimming - that goes for you man-scapers out there too!
So, like most women I know, I like to stay trim and slim down below, if you know what I mean! Now I of course take the appropriate actions - shaving, waxing, you know...the normal stuff, but sometimes you must go above and beyond or should we say below and beyond. Anyway, you have to do bush maintenance if you will... I am no fan of 70's bush (NSFW).
The other day I got out my trusty trimming scissors, or my bush trimmers as I like to call them - yes I have a special pair just for this special little area. Got prepared to make it all puuurdy down there, began a little snip here, a little snip there and then I heard a much BIGGER snip and realized that I actually snipped my SKIN! Yes, that's right. I slashed my most intimate of areas all in the name of vanity! They say that fashion hurts some times but this one really stung.
I think I went into shock. I don't want to get too too graphic but there was a flap of skin and I just kept hearing the sound of scissors cutting through flesh over and over in my mind. I kind of wanted to hurl. It wasn't down below - below. It was more towards the underwear line. I guess if I wore underwear this would make more sense but I'm trying to get as specific and describe the situation as well as I can without grossing you all out too badly. So I inspect. There's skin. There's blood. I'm sad. I immediately put a little baby band-aid on the spot. It was kind of cute to be honest with you, but at the same time I now have an ugly, scary CUT in my area! This is the kind of thing you see in movies. I laugh at the trimming challenged and here I am cutting up the petunia like a Soprano after a hit!!
Ladies and gents please join me in mourning the injury of pretty petunia pussy. May she get well soon! Oh and as a public service announcement, PLEASE be careful when trimming - that goes for you man-scapers out there too!
At 1:19 AM, October 05, 2005,
techymike said…
OK, I'm going to share a little humiliation, since you've bared it all already :)
One time, I decided it would be a great idea to mow the lawn, navigating around the tree and as I was going to it with my beard trimmers, I got in a bit of a hurry. I knicked the ol' sack and dropped the trimmer. There was freaking skin hanging off, and blood coming out. It hurt like a SOB.
Yeah, that sucked. Sorry for your injury, and hope you heal up soon :)
At 2:08 AM, October 05, 2005,
Osbasso said…
I don't have the humiliating story to share. Sorry. Have anyone there to kiss it and make it feel better? Hope you heal up quickly!
At 5:53 AM, October 05, 2005,
Unknown said…
Let me kiss it better *smooch*... there you go.
Great story. Made me cringe.
At 9:26 AM, October 05, 2005,
~art said…
At 10:26 AM, October 05, 2005,
Oh great One said…
You made me cringe! I did something similar recently! I feel for you! Get better soon.
At 3:24 PM, October 05, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
techy - glad to hear you're a trimmer but damn...that is scary! Even mine wasn't that bad
Os - I hope someone will make it feel better ;O)
Big D - thanks! be careful when playing with scissors!
Art - YOWCHH!!
OGO - hope you feel better too! I'm so glad I shared this story - I knew you guys could make me feel better and oddly enough...RELATE! HA
Storm - I was on the verge of passing out when it happened! now THAT would have been a sight! ha ha
Steph - I hope it never happens to you!
GG - you are a brave woman! I have never done the brazillian wax, just the normal rip and tear. Now THAT sounds like it was painful. Anyone that gets that close to my clit with wax that they plan to rip off my body better be giving me something in return. Something big and hard...oh sorry. You get my point. Umm, Stay away from scissors!
At 6:43 PM, October 05, 2005,
aughra said…
Awh, you poor baby, you cut your lady business!
I burned the lady business a few weeks ago - when I dumped hot coffee in my lap, while wearing a thin cotton skirt and no panties!
Hang in there, sister!
At 10:17 AM, October 06, 2005,
BlazngScarlet said…
That's why I stopped 'trimming' and went straight for the Brazilian.
Have to shave daily, but it's WAY less painful!
Scissors BAD!!!!!
At 1:32 AM, October 07, 2005,
CaCaBoy said…
I too like a clean well kept playing field. No one is looking for floss when they are inspecting the tree, if you know what I mean?
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