So I get to work this morning and I'm in the elevator and someone says "did you have a nice weekend?", are you kidding? When was the weekend? the last two days have felt like two weeks. This work thing is killing me...I can't wait until Friday.
Anyway, this is so random but I needed a few supplies for the office so I decide to run down the road to the trusty Office Depot. That is where I get my - I'm too poor to shop so I'll go spend company money on crap fix. So, you know how some places you go you just expect a certain type of person to be working there? You know, the places you find the less than brilliant, the less than helpful, the evil attitudes when asked to do the simplest parts of their job? Well, generally Office Depot, at least in my area, is not one of those places. It's more of the techy computer geek kind of place, which I like b/c when I'm looking for something they can actually find it and are willing to exert some energy to complete the task at hand. So, I walk in, find my items and go to pay for them - simple enough. Once at the counter here is the exchange:
Cashier: Hello, I love your shoes!
Me: thanks, I got them at Bakers last year but they might have them this season too.
C: Oh I love that store, I need to get there.
Me: Yeah me too
C: I love your necklace, it goes so well with your outfit
Me: Umm thanks, yeah I think Bakers is having a sale right now you should check it out.
C: Yeah, one time, I went to my husband's house (okay, so she doesn't live with her husband I gather??) and I took a pair of shoes that I bought from Bakers and I put them under the bed so that his girlfriend would find them (okay, so her husband has a girlfriend ??)
Me: Oh really? Hmmm, seems kind of crazy, I would never waste a good pair of shoes on a bad man.
C: Oh no, it was worth it. I wanted to fuck them up, make her think he was cheating on her. They don't know I still have a key to his place.
Me: Ummm, k. (praying that she will speed the process up and hurry up and give me my receipt for my 3 items - I am getting too much info here and this qualifies as WAAAY to much information!!)
2nd Cashier: Cashier One - will you ring this (big item, maybe a printer, couldn't tell) and put it on blah blah's log, thanks (and walks away)
C: (after C2 is gone) Shiiit, I aint doing that shit. What she think I'm stupid? I aint givin nobody credit. I deserve that shit. Give someone the credit for some shit I rang up? Oh hell naw!
Me: (please, please, please let me leave before ghetto girl gets all medieval on my ass) Okey dokey, well, have a nice day (hand outreached for the receipt)
C: Yeah you too...(finally gives me receipt - look in her eye says I will start another conversation with you if you don't immediately turn around and break eye contact with me and haul ass out of the store)
WTF just happened in there? It was like I walked into the twighlight zone! One minute I'm in Office Depot, the next I am in a really bad scene gone worse in the movie Friday ! I was just waiting for someone to get "knocked the fuck out!" WOW, I don't think she likes her job too much -what do you think? It was quite interesting. I hope the next time I go in there I don't encounter her again. I can't imagine she'll be working there too much longer...
Anyway, this is so random but I needed a few supplies for the office so I decide to run down the road to the trusty Office Depot. That is where I get my - I'm too poor to shop so I'll go spend company money on crap fix. So, you know how some places you go you just expect a certain type of person to be working there? You know, the places you find the less than brilliant, the less than helpful, the evil attitudes when asked to do the simplest parts of their job? Well, generally Office Depot, at least in my area, is not one of those places. It's more of the techy computer geek kind of place, which I like b/c when I'm looking for something they can actually find it and are willing to exert some energy to complete the task at hand. So, I walk in, find my items and go to pay for them - simple enough. Once at the counter here is the exchange:
Cashier: Hello, I love your shoes!
Me: thanks, I got them at Bakers last year but they might have them this season too.
C: Oh I love that store, I need to get there.
Me: Yeah me too
C: I love your necklace, it goes so well with your outfit
Me: Umm thanks, yeah I think Bakers is having a sale right now you should check it out.
C: Yeah, one time, I went to my husband's house (okay, so she doesn't live with her husband I gather??) and I took a pair of shoes that I bought from Bakers and I put them under the bed so that his girlfriend would find them (okay, so her husband has a girlfriend ??)
Me: Oh really? Hmmm, seems kind of crazy, I would never waste a good pair of shoes on a bad man.
C: Oh no, it was worth it. I wanted to fuck them up, make her think he was cheating on her. They don't know I still have a key to his place.
Me: Ummm, k. (praying that she will speed the process up and hurry up and give me my receipt for my 3 items - I am getting too much info here and this qualifies as WAAAY to much information!!)
2nd Cashier: Cashier One - will you ring this (big item, maybe a printer, couldn't tell) and put it on blah blah's log, thanks (and walks away)
C: (after C2 is gone) Shiiit, I aint doing that shit. What she think I'm stupid? I aint givin nobody credit. I deserve that shit. Give someone the credit for some shit I rang up? Oh hell naw!
Me: (please, please, please let me leave before ghetto girl gets all medieval on my ass) Okey dokey, well, have a nice day (hand outreached for the receipt)
C: Yeah you too...(finally gives me receipt - look in her eye says I will start another conversation with you if you don't immediately turn around and break eye contact with me and haul ass out of the store)
WTF just happened in there? It was like I walked into the twighlight zone! One minute I'm in Office Depot, the next I am in a really bad scene gone worse in the movie Friday ! I was just waiting for someone to get "knocked the fuck out!" WOW, I don't think she likes her job too much -what do you think? It was quite interesting. I hope the next time I go in there I don't encounter her again. I can't imagine she'll be working there too much longer...
At 12:05 PM, August 03, 2005,
Andi said…
Tell me there were gold teeth involved. I have that happen at the library quite often....those TMI moments that make you want to die.
At 4:51 PM, August 03, 2005,
Oh great One said…
That is WAY funny! Why is it people feel they can share that sort of stuff with everyone they meet?
At 10:13 PM, August 03, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
andi - gold teeth would have made it almost understandable...and a little bit more entertaining. No gold teeth unfortunately!
danjerus - If I would have know it was you I would have introduced myself ;O)
OGO - I don't know why but people always seem to share way too much information with me ALL THE TIME! Maybe I remind them of their therapist...?
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