The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Half - Nekkid Thursday


Okay, so here is my HNT (<-- click if you need an explanation) post. Since I don't have my lovely little camera because it's broken (sniff, sniff) I am using a "reserve" picture. This is my sweet one's dad. He is in his 70's and one of the funniest, nicest people in the world. Sorry fellas, I know it's not the sexiest picture and it pales in comparison to last week's post but it is what it is. The boys were building a deck in the sweltering heat (hence the wetness...yum). The silly fella told me to get lost or he would flash me since there wasn't a chance I was going out there to help! Well, he wasn't kidding. And his cute little tee shirt turned into a billboard for profanity. I LOVED it! Enjoy. And happy Half-Nekkid Thursday everyone!


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