I have absolutely nothing to blog about...I am thinking Osbasso is onto something with the whole "crisis of imagination" poisoning some of us. I usually have a lot to talk about and funny, clumsy, crap happens to me all the time...Not this week. At least nothing worth writing about. I was about to get into the shower this morning and standing in front of the mirror realized that I have a TON of bruises on my legs! I generally bruise pretty easily but this is ridiculous! I look like a crack whore. Then, as I went to hop into the tub I didn't lift my leg high enough because ummm, I'm special? and bruised my shin! Glad I'm going to the beach this weekend and have to put a bathing suit on so everyone can see my skank legs.
Anyway, I had a very strange dream the other night and generally when this happens I think about it, try to analyze it then promptly forget about it after a good night of drinking vodka and wiping the brain cells clean. This one is weighing on me a little bit more. I can't seem to get this one out of my head. So, for any dream analysts out there, if you know what the hell this means let me know:
So I'm laying in my bed in my original bedroom in the house that I grew up in. It's late but I'm not fully asleep when my best friend walks in as if just off of work or something. She hops into my bed (nothing sexual, that's just the way it was growing up, if I wasn't at her house she was at mine, blah, blah...). So, I say something like, oh I didn't even hear the alarm go off how did you get in, whatever... I open the shade - the window is just above my head over the bed, and it is a dim, dusky kind of color outside BUT that's not it. We see this castle looking thing coming out of the sky. It looks almost heavenly and it's almost touching down on our street. She tells me to grab the camera so I do and I go to snap a shot and as I'm holding the button down it won't click but the shade slowly closes itself and as soon as it closes completely to the point where you can no longer see the 'castle' the camera shutter goes off. So we both get really freaked out and I am like what the hell was that? She tells me to go wake my mom up and I am just scared stiff. Then, I woke up and could not go back to sleep. I actually almost did call my mom. It was about 5:30am. I know that doesn't sound so crazy once I write it down but why can't I stop thinking about it? It was weird, weird, weird!
My sweets and I are going to the beach this weekend and it's raining...that means we are going to just drink our faces off all weekend. Oh well, maybe that will warrant some good stories, but no good pic's b/c the cam is still out being repaired (sniff, sniff)
Have a fun, safe weekend everyone!
Anyway, I had a very strange dream the other night and generally when this happens I think about it, try to analyze it then promptly forget about it after a good night of drinking vodka and wiping the brain cells clean. This one is weighing on me a little bit more. I can't seem to get this one out of my head. So, for any dream analysts out there, if you know what the hell this means let me know:
So I'm laying in my bed in my original bedroom in the house that I grew up in. It's late but I'm not fully asleep when my best friend walks in as if just off of work or something. She hops into my bed (nothing sexual, that's just the way it was growing up, if I wasn't at her house she was at mine, blah, blah...). So, I say something like, oh I didn't even hear the alarm go off how did you get in, whatever... I open the shade - the window is just above my head over the bed, and it is a dim, dusky kind of color outside BUT that's not it. We see this castle looking thing coming out of the sky. It looks almost heavenly and it's almost touching down on our street. She tells me to grab the camera so I do and I go to snap a shot and as I'm holding the button down it won't click but the shade slowly closes itself and as soon as it closes completely to the point where you can no longer see the 'castle' the camera shutter goes off. So we both get really freaked out and I am like what the hell was that? She tells me to go wake my mom up and I am just scared stiff. Then, I woke up and could not go back to sleep. I actually almost did call my mom. It was about 5:30am. I know that doesn't sound so crazy once I write it down but why can't I stop thinking about it? It was weird, weird, weird!
My sweets and I are going to the beach this weekend and it's raining...that means we are going to just drink our faces off all weekend. Oh well, maybe that will warrant some good stories, but no good pic's b/c the cam is still out being repaired (sniff, sniff)
Have a fun, safe weekend everyone!
At 3:06 PM, July 29, 2005,
Chick said…
I love when I remember my dreams...
I looked up castles & this is what it said:
If the castle was in good condition, it means you will have a comfortable life and get to travel to interesting locales. But if the castle was in ruins, beware. You are being warned to control either your temper or your passion.
Do you think it applies at all?
Have fun at the beach!
At 4:05 PM, July 29, 2005,
peachy said…
They still make disposable cameras. And..you can get the pictures on disk. It's not the end of the world, you just have to spend about 12 bucks.
Have fun, and I think the rest of the weekend is supposed to be nice.
At 4:09 PM, July 29, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
hmmm, i don't know. It was weird. It gave me kind of a freaky feeling - like I wasn't supposed to be seeing it. The castle looked almost cartoon like. It wasn't in ruins at all. It was totally in tact but it was odd - almost unnatural colors. This makes no sense and now I'm starting to sound crazy but thanks for looking that up Chick. Either could of course relate...
At 4:03 PM, July 30, 2005,
Andi said…
I have a mystery bruise on my calf. This sucker is about 5 inches long and looks like it had to hurt, but I have no clue when/how I got it.
The dream would've creeped me out from the sounds of it. Sometimes it's atmosphere more than anything. I have shark dreams. They're my specialty.
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