So, I tried to rally yesterday. It was literally a million degrees out and the guys were out working on the deck like fools! There was even a heat advisory but I guess real men disregard those silly little advisories that can cause heat stroke or perhaps kill you. And I guess that is the same train of thought those joggers that you see out in the sweltering heat have. Personally I don't get it. Guess I'll never be a real man...
SO I decided I would go shopping to make myself feel better. I thought I was literally going to heave in the dressing room at one store. I almost went into panic mode because I was like, where the hell will I lose it if I have to? Then the sweat started and the nice flemmy feeling in the back of the throat! Thankfully I found a piece of gum that looked like it was still edible in my purse. That saved me! I still managed to spend almost $200 including some cute little panties (eww I hate that word), underwear? whatever, you get the point, from Victoria's Secret. Now generally I am not an underwear wearing kind of gal. I know, some may be cringing right now but I just feel like they are so restricting. Plus my buns always get hungry and start eating my drawers then I have to constantly pull it out of my ass and that is just so unattractive! I would much rather just be free down there if you know what I mean. But, every now and then a cute little pair just works.
So I got home and the guys were ready for some grub at our fave little Mexican joint. Fajitas and swirlies! But the thought was kind of repulsing and I seriously almost lost my cookies. I went and took a shower and a half a xanax...sometimes you need these little things. And believe it or not I felt about 80%! So, the mexican food was on...Although, I was a good little trainee and had a salad and one hard taco. I also couldn't really fathom eating a whole lot. Maybe that's the key to losing weight...just be hung over all the time and you won't eat. I did however help myself to the delicious queso. You just can't pass up the queso with it's fluorescent yellowish-orange color and it's processed goodness, plus I think my tummy needed it, that is just what I'm going to tell myself anyway...
Anyway, little trainy trainertons came over this morning bright and early. If I can lift my arms to type tomorrow it will be a miracle. She clapped for me at the end of our session because I "worked so hard". Isn't that sweet? Now give me a beer and a bacon cheeseburger! Oh sorry. Well, that's all I got. OOHHH! I lost 4 pounds! I weighed myself this morning and I'm down 4 whole pounds. Only 26 more to go...Woo Hoo!
SO I decided I would go shopping to make myself feel better. I thought I was literally going to heave in the dressing room at one store. I almost went into panic mode because I was like, where the hell will I lose it if I have to? Then the sweat started and the nice flemmy feeling in the back of the throat! Thankfully I found a piece of gum that looked like it was still edible in my purse. That saved me! I still managed to spend almost $200 including some cute little panties (eww I hate that word), underwear? whatever, you get the point, from Victoria's Secret. Now generally I am not an underwear wearing kind of gal. I know, some may be cringing right now but I just feel like they are so restricting. Plus my buns always get hungry and start eating my drawers then I have to constantly pull it out of my ass and that is just so unattractive! I would much rather just be free down there if you know what I mean. But, every now and then a cute little pair just works.
So I got home and the guys were ready for some grub at our fave little Mexican joint. Fajitas and swirlies! But the thought was kind of repulsing and I seriously almost lost my cookies. I went and took a shower and a half a xanax...sometimes you need these little things. And believe it or not I felt about 80%! So, the mexican food was on...Although, I was a good little trainee and had a salad and one hard taco. I also couldn't really fathom eating a whole lot. Maybe that's the key to losing weight...just be hung over all the time and you won't eat. I did however help myself to the delicious queso. You just can't pass up the queso with it's fluorescent yellowish-orange color and it's processed goodness, plus I think my tummy needed it, that is just what I'm going to tell myself anyway...
Anyway, little trainy trainertons came over this morning bright and early. If I can lift my arms to type tomorrow it will be a miracle. She clapped for me at the end of our session because I "worked so hard". Isn't that sweet? Now give me a beer and a bacon cheeseburger! Oh sorry. Well, that's all I got. OOHHH! I lost 4 pounds! I weighed myself this morning and I'm down 4 whole pounds. Only 26 more to go...Woo Hoo!
At 10:21 AM, July 20, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
Grrrr, you little vixen you! But why discriminate...aren't all hot men a downfall? ;O)
At 12:34 PM, July 20, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
Surprisingly very good food and the very best swirlies...after about two you should get up from your seat just for shits and giggles to feel the effect! Then repeat after four...quite amusing. I'm sure it's nothing compared to the yumminess you have in TX. We'll be in Austin in Sept so hopefully we'll have a chance to try some out ourselves.
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