The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Thursday, August 31, 2006


This is not a joke. Makes you think though, huh? This is REALLY the sign leading to the marriage license office. Before getting there we passed, and I am NOT lying about this, the domestic abuse office, child welfare and neglect office and then of course our hallway which, well, you can see for yourself.

I will admit that it wasn't as horrific as I expected. I think we went in with a positive attitude so it all went as smooth as humanly possible. Dealing with the D.C. government, if you never have before, is an unexplained phenomenon. Some like to call it a nightmare. Think the DMV times a million.

The buildings are the most depressing, sad, anciently decorated, dark, dank places on earth. The people that work there don't want to be there and neither do the people there for their own business and you can barely blame them. They make every step as difficult as possible on you so that your attitude and theirs are so foul by the time all of your business is done that you feel almost ill. Within the same building you can be charged by check or money order only but in one office and then in the next office they accept cash only...weird!
And instead of moving from line to line, you have to move from building to building and kind of figure it out on your own.

TSO made a comment at the court house that was so awful but so fitting...He said that he just wanted to run around to all of the alleged criminals, or whatever they were and scream, "GUILTY! GUILTY!". I mean, you have never seen more guilty looking human beings in your life. Women wearing Washington Wizard's (sleeveless) jersey's - I'm assuming going into a court room looking like that. Super thugy looking dudes. Slimy looking lawyers. Oh and you can't forget the fully armed floods of D.C. police officers. I mean, this is the place we see on our news on a daily basis talking about the latest local criminal to get sentenced. It's not a happy place.

The ONLY great thing was that we were going to get our marriage license. It might be the happiest office in all of D.C. No one looked at us as if they wanted to kill us. The women were all friendly and congratulated us. I think 3 whole people asked us if we had been helped yet. It was amazing. I have never seen anything like it. The ladies agreed. They don't generally get the disgruntled customers which in turn makes them pretty cheerful themselves...The whole situation was a bit surreal.

Anyway, I"m feeling better. The week has gotten better and I will live. I can not believe that we are getting married in 9 DAYS! crazy...

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

UPDATE: Now that I am able to post pic's here are my beautiful flowers!

Well, yesterday started off shitty once again. I woke up around 6am like I was shot out of a cannon. At that point I was in a good mood but I knew I had to get a little bit more sleep. I contemplated going to the gym but instead I talked myself into not eating for the next two weeks. I could not for the life of me get back to sleep until about 8am when I had approximately 15 minutes left before the alarm went off.

Within that 15 minutes I had a dream I was on a train with a bunch of bitches that did nothing but make fun of me. I got a couple of good come backs in about some stupid whore's makeup and I think I said in the dream "Bozo the clown called and he wants his makeup back". Her friends laughed at her (remember, this is all a dream! I can't believe I even remember all of this detail). The next dream took place in a church. Not the church we plan to marry in. It was rehearsal but we were all dressed. The church was full of guests. My step dad was walking me down the aisle but my dad was no where to be found. I was really sad and I HATED the church. I started to throw a fit - a 3 year old child fit. I was stomping my feet and crying like a child in my wedding dress in the church in front of lots of people. Then I woke up...

I was exhausted and sad again. I don't get it. I have nothing to be sad about. The dreams sucked but whatever.

I got to work and it was a fucking show again. I have SO MUCH WORK TO DO! I don't get it. I was feeling very overwhelmed on top of all the other shit I have to do personally. I was seriously on the verge of tears all day until...I got a beautiful bouquet of roses! (I have tried numerous times to post a picture of them but Flickr is not working and it's driving me nuts so just imagine their beauty - they are yellow, pink, red and a yellow with a peachy color along the outside of the petals...)

That's right. TSO sent me roses at work. It made my day. They smelled amazing and really, it made me cry. Somehow he just knows how to make me feel better. Things definitely got better from that point on but I have to admit it was another horrible day. I don't know what's going on. I think it's all gonna pass this weekend. I promise it will actually but I really can't take this and I feel bad for all that are in my presence. I apologize for my foul mood and my premenstrual actions. Jeez I hope this passes soon!

This morning we're going to get our marriage license. God help us. You don't know pain until you deal with the Washington, DC government. I'm sure I'll have a whole other bitchy, ranty, post about that...lucky you!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Monday...random ramblings

Why is it that Monday's are synonymous with awful, shitty, depressing days? WHY?

I had a great weekend. Went out with the girls on Saturday and had a blast. One of our friend's brother is a liquor distributor in D.C. and hooked us up with a table and unlimited free bottles. Man, what a mistake. We had 3 -4 big bottles of Absolut, I can't quite remember which it was, 3 or 4. And there definitely wasn't enough of us there to have drank that much. Thank God for cabs and girlfriends to ride home in them with me. Thank God I can remember my address even when I am in and out of blackout stage (yes, I know that is not safe or a good representation of myself - shit happens). When we got home TSO said we were speaking what we called "Alien". I don't even know what that means but apparently we were making up words. And believe me...I paid for it all on Sunday along with every one of my friends. At one point I was shaking so bad. I felt like I was starving yet I felt as though I could hurl at any moment...Oy! It was not fun. My TSO really came through for me though. He went out and got me everything a hungry, hungover girl could ever want. He got me pork fried rice, penne pasta with bolognese sauce, McDonalds french fries and a HUGE coke with lots of ice. It was like hangover heaven. I have to say I was probably in the best shape of everyone. One of my girlfriends couldn't get out of bed...ALL DAY!

Last night we went to see "Little Miss Sunshine". I HIGHLY recommend it. Go see this movie, I don't think you'll be disappointed.

So onto my miserable monday...It just started off wrong. Nothing went right at work from the minute I walked in the door. I had one of the most frustrating meetings about a damn happy hour that we are throwing. How is a meeting about a happy hour frustrating you might ask? Even I was baffled, but anything was possible today I suppose. I won't get into any of the other boring work shit. Just take my word. This day was from hell.

If you're ever planning a wedding and people tell you "it's all about you", they're lying. It's not about you at all. It's about your family, your guests, your bridal party. It is about everyone but you. I have to admit I am very organized but at some point you just feel pushed to your limits. I have my mother pestering me to get my brothers reading to him, because you know, he's the first person on the list and needs to have this reading asap, I mean, it is all about him. I have my dad pestering me to call the hotel where most of our guests are staying to try and get just one more room, or maybe two, for people that forgot to book them at our room block rate. I have my soon to be MIL calling me to tell me that the menu that we picked for the rehearsal dinner has changed but she can't tell me what it's changed to. I have a bridesmaid basically berating me over email because she has some questions and I've apparently failed to call her back (I missed her call about 10 minutes before). AAAHHH! I just want to scream. I want everyone to LEAVE ME ALONE!

The Sweet One has been going out with his friends as if he's preparing for a jail sentence. I have to admit that it's worrying me. For those that didn't know, we don't live together yet. I kind of assumed we would have taken care of that by now but we haven't...He claims that since we'll be married soon it won't be as easy for him to go out with his friends as often. I don't think that's any way to look at the situation. I don't think us getting married means life is over but apparently he does and I can't say I'm comfortable with this situation. It's making me feel really bad actually. Is this a bad sign? Or is he being realistic in thinking that no, he won't be able to just be out and about with his friends whenever he pleases? I mean, we're not 18. I would think we could come to some adult compromise when it comes to hanging out with friends. I mean, for Christ's sake, we don't even go out as often as we once did...we're old and boring (most of the time).

I don't know. This whole day is just making me sick. I feel down and depressed. Maybe it's the whole hang over blues, although I'm pretty sure I went through that on Sunday. Maybe it's the fact that the wedding is in two weeks, I have things I want to do and work is getting in the way. Maybe I'm just being a sensitive girl...? who knows, I just hope I feel better tomorrow because I hate feeling this way.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Well, I got my drink on last night. It was a very unproductive night and I was thrilled about that. Today is my sister and my soon to be MIL's birthday. MIL went out of town so we're doing dinner with the fam for my sis. Glad to only have one to deal with right now.

I have a baby shower to go to tomorrow. I hope it's not super lame and prissy and full of terrible games. Hopefully I can scoot in and scoot on out pretty inconspicuously. I don't think I'll know too many people there so that's a great out.

I am hoping Saturday night is another filled with drunken unproductiveness. We are having a little mini surprise thing for one of my friends. Her birthday is next week so we figured she'll be caught off guard. I plan to help her celebrate...drink for drink!

Sunday, if all goes as planned I will sit by the pool all day long and nurse my horrendous hang over. The only great thing would be if I don't have a horrendous hangover. Then I can just hang by the pool!

After this one, I have ONE weekend left as a single woman. I can't believe how quickly the big day is coming. I'm sure you all are sick of hearing about it but I think I'll be a little sad once it's all over...At least I'll have a great husband to show for it ;O) Wow, that was really sappy!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

How on God's green earth is it only 3:20pm?

This day is from hell and has to be the longest day EVER!

Had a wedding "hiccup" if you will, last night/today. At about 11pm last night I got an email from my hairdresser. The one who plans to come to the hotel the day of my wedding to do my hair along with 6 of my other bridesmaids and a little something to both my mothers. In his email he explained that he planned to charge each girl $150 to get their hair put up. Onehundredandfiftydollars A PIECE to put their hair up! He's not including highlights and a happy ending with that. JUST a hair do. No washing, no "blowing", NADA! I almost had a seizure right there! I was in a panic. There is no way that any of my bridesmaids can afford, nor would I ask them, to pay $150 for a hair do. I mean, some of them don't pay that to get a color and cut. Of course no one was awake for me to talk to. The Sweet One is in New York City gallivanting with his friends and he wasn't answering his cell phone because he was in a bar with no reception. I literally wanted to cry.

Long story short, it's all good. We've come to an agreement and we've worked it all out. Other than not sleeping much last night I am done stressing about it. Everything will work out and really, if this is the worst thing that has (is going to hopefully) happen, then so be it.

Tonight I plan to drink myself into a stupor. I have a happy hour for a friend that is leaving the company then I'm meeting my former softball team out for more booze and pizza. I plan on consuming more of the liquids, less of the solids, if you know what I mean.

I really, really wanted to post pic's of my awesome makeup yesterday but I don't want to ruin it. Do you think it will if TSO sees it? I guess it would...Nice dialogue with myself huh? Don't get married ladies, it makes you lose your mind. Lucky for me I never had one so I'm in fine shape.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I know, I know, I am completely boring the hell out of all of you with all of my wedding talk these days but I am a little consumed right now if you know what I mean...

Last night I got my hair done and my makeup redone for the wedding. My hair is a lot darker than I'm used to but it looks really nice and natural! It was fun being pampered a little bit. After having my hair done I met one of my bridesmaids to get our eyes done by the makeup artist that will be doing the day of prep. I LOVED what she did to my eyes. It looked spectacular! I know it's going to look amazing on the wedding day. For those of you that were worried, I did not see The Sweet One Last night and he did not see my makeup or my hair. We'll have some surprises for the wedding day!

I got my blood test back from my doctor and I'm happy to report that I am syphilis free! I am now free to marry in the District of Columbia and ummm, whatever else you can do without syphilis.

17 days to go. Yikes!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I'm going to get my hair done at 11 today. I am SO EXCITED. It's getting tough to cover the oil slick in the middle of my head. And we're gonna practice the wedding hair. I am getting married in 18 DAYS! I can't believe it. I'm excited and freaking out all at the same time. HA!

We booked our organist yesterday. He was hilarious and that made me feel good. I had my almost last dress fitting yesterday - they kind of messed something up so I have to go back one more time.

In 21 days The Sweet One and I will be in HAWAII! that is going to be fantastic.

I feel like I am constantly on the go these days. I hope I don't get those post wedding blues that everyone talks about. What the hell am I going to do when this is all over with? I won't even know what to do with myself when I actually have time to think ;O)

Hope everyone is having a good day. I am SO looking forward to getting pampered at the hair salon!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Last week FLEW by. It took me almost all week to recover from the bachelorette party weekend. I am still getting the pieces put together with stories from my girls. It's quite humorous really - I am never getting that drunk again, seriously! Other than that The Sweet One and I had a VERY productive wedding preparation week. We did nothing but wedding stuff all week and we got lots done. Yayy us! We got our blood tests done (YUCK, I hate needles). Did you know that when you marry in the District of Columbia you must first get a syphilis test? Well, now you know! It's a very old school law so whatever, we must comply. So as soon as we make sure we're disease free we go get our marriage license.

We met with the caterer, the director of the venue where our reception will be, I got my makeup done by the new and improved makeup artist, TSO went to apply for our day-of liquor license, we talked to a wholesaler about purchasing lots and lots of liquor, we bought all the groomsmen their shirts, blah biddy blah, blah, blah! We are down to 3 whole weeks. YIKES. I can't imagine what Corinna must feel right now but it will be me soon enough I presume!

I met with my day of wedding coordinator on Friday at a Starbucks. It was pretty warm out so I decided I would buy a lovely iced tea. Now, I don't know about you all but I REFUSE to order my drinks at Starbucks using their made up, lame ass sizes. To be quite honest, I don't even know the size names unless I look at the menu and I never do that. SO, I proceed to order my iced tea:

Perky Starbucks Chicky: Can I get a drink started for you?
Me: I'm just getting an iced tea
PSC: I can get it for you
Me: Okay, I'll have a regular iced tea
PSC: (Eyes bulging) - ummm, you mean...?
Me: A small iced tea
PSC: Uhhhmmm
Me: You know, SMALL, or whatever you call your silly sizes

It was THE funniest thing. She was completely baffled. It was like I punched her in the gut and stole her baby. You would think they were used to people like me that refuse. Oh well. My resolve will not be broken. I WILL NOT BREAK!

Today, meeting with the organist (I know you're jealous) and my last wedding dress fitting. Hollaaaahh!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Oh my lord...the weekend was GREAT, from what I can remember anyway.

Friday we hung out on the beach for a few hours then the pool. We waited for the rest of the crew to get into town then we got some clothes on and went out to the bars. It was a blast. We danced, we drank, people bought me shots and drinks and all that good stuff. Saturday we got up and hit the beach. We drank, we gossiped. Then we went back to the pool where we hung out and ummm...drank. Went to the Bottle and Cork for jam session and listened to music and drank some more. This is where it starts getting fuzzy...went and got a little put back together at the hotel just to go back out. I didn't have to wear anything too horrendous. I had a black tank that said bachelorette on it that my girls made for me and some beads, oh and a goofy shot glass around my neck but it wasn't as bad as the other bachelorette's I saw out with their veils, penis straws, etc.

I did the silly games that the girls had me do - get a piggy back ride from a guy at the bar (most violent piggy back I've ever had), get a sock from a guy at the bar (which is not very easy at the beach!), there were others but I won't get into it (The Sweet One reads this...hi babe!). I was made to dance on stage with the band. On the way home from the bars we walked right into a house party and drank captain morgans from the bottle out of the fridge then left. I can't really remember too much else of the party. As a matter of fact I don't even remember leaving the bar. Thank god I had some great ladies taking care of me! We went back to our hotel where there was a bachelor party staying there...I think...? A bunch of my girls and I ended up on the beach with a 19 YEAR OLD BOY! How did I know his age? A police officer stopped him and I'm not quite sure how he didn't get arrested for having an open container AND being under age. I don't think I was even able to speak at this point. The rest of the evening comes in and out of memory in little snippets. I don't know who let me keep drinking once we were home...YUCK. I woke up on Sunday in one of the other girls rooms that I wasn't originally staying in, on the couch. I was drunk on Sunday until probably 6pm. THAT felt awful. Which also means that my hang over didn't start until Monday morning. I barely made it into work on Monday. I am SO glad my boss is currently out of the country because I couldn't have put in a full day with a smile on my face.

My brain is still hurting and I am considering putting myself on the list for a replacement liver. I, of course, didn't take one picture, but my girlfriends did. If I can find any that are worth posting, then i will later when I can. Getting old is sad...recovery takes so long!

Monday, August 14, 2006

oohhh, it hurts. still hurts!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

This week has pretty much been from hell. I have been so busy at work and getting wedding stuff done. It's crunch time in wedding land. I really haven't done anything exciting or blog worthy so that is why I haven't posted anything this week. Unless of course you want me to tell you about my many trips to the craft store, conversations with organists, limo drivers, church secretaries and wedding coordinators...I didn't think so!

I did have my dress fitting on Monday. It was nice to put on the dress again since I'll only wear it ONCE. That still kind of burns me up. I Love it so I'm just going to have to figure out a way to wear it over and over...he he, the Sweet One is in for a surprise once we're married.

I leave for my Bachelorette weekend tomorrow morning. I am SO excited! I will be with all my girls. I don't have to worry about ANYTHING. I don't have to plan anything! I just have to show up, lay on the beach and drink, and drink. And Drink!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Stories and pictures when I get back...or not...

Monday, August 07, 2006

Well, it's official...I have the pre-wedding jitters. I'm not nervous to get married so much, it's all of the little things still left to get done and just straight butterflies at this point. I am assuming by this morning's events that I will also not be getting much more sleep or eating much in the next month.

I've been awake since a little after 5am and the sad thing is, I went to bed at 2am! The Sweet One and I went to see the Pretenders at the 9:30 Club last night. Wow, never knew the median age range of pretenders fans was 55 but whatevs! It was still fun and I still believe that Chrissy Hines is one of the most talented, rockinest bitches of all time. Her voice is amazing! And, it was pretty amazing being so close to see/hear her sing some of the "classics". Anyway, we got home watched Big Brother (that we recorded) and by the time we got to bed it was 2am. Generally when it's that late I sleep like a baby. This morning I had to continually beg my brain to shut off so I could get just fifteen more minutes or at least sleep until 7am! It wasn't happening.

I "fired" my makeup artist for the wedding yesterday. I didn't tell her. Well, she isn't officially "hired" yet but I've decided not to use her. I just wasn't getting a good vibe from her. I had to literally go to the mall on Saturday to talk to her because she rarely returns phone calls. Then, she told me she would call me that night and I finally heard from her on Sunday at 3pm. She wanted to talk logistics and I told her it was a bad time. Little does she know there won't be a "good time". I just can't imagine wondering if my makeup chick is gonna show up on the day of the wedding, I have bigger things to worry about. Plus she's a pasty little thing and she kind of rubbed me the wrong way since day one so that's over. Now I need to look for a new person. Only one month to go...tick...tock!

This weekend was kind of uneventful for the most part. It was a good one, just not much to report. Hope everyone else had a great weekend.

Friday, August 04, 2006

mmmm vodka

First and foremost I tried the vodka last night and it was already deelish! Look at the beautiful pinkish hue it's taken on. The blueberry and pineapple, now known as pineberry or blueapple flavor is a hit. It's just sweet enough (glad I didn't add sugar like some dumb web site suggested) and when you shake it up with ice it gets that lovely froth on top YUM! I can't wait to get home to drink some more.

Second, The Sweet One was so proud of our carnivorous meals the other night at Houston's (one of our most favoritest restaurants) that he had to take pictures. So, I decided to post his handy work since the pictures did come out pretty well. Mmmm, it's making me hungry!

Lastly, we had a very productive day today. We met with the caterer, the coordinator and the florist at our reception venue. We got lots of things nailed down and the plans are really shaping up. This thing is for real now. It's really happening and I can't wait! It's gonna be a GREAT day! We also went to pick up our wedding bands. I can't wait to wear mine. I am promptly taking them to my parent's house for safe keeping until wedding time, otherwise I can see myself trying it on and wearing it around the house every day and then it'll be all dirty for the big day.

Got some crab eating to do this weekend! Hope it's not too sweltering. And, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend yourselves!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Okay, I fucking LOVE the Container Store. WHY OH WHY MUST I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THIS DAMN STORE?

Seriously. When I walk in there I just want to buy everything and organize, organize, organize! I want to put everything in cute little containers and rolling carts and nifty little hooks. HELP ME. I want to bring an employee home with me and just ask them to get to work. I spent almost an hour in there last night. I didn't buy much, oh I could have, but I didn't. The downfall to the container store...they're pretty damn expensive. One day, when I have some time and some extra cash (never) I'm going to just reorgaize my whole house and get all of my closets together and all container stored out. One day...

So it's still hot as Africa out and I am really getting nervous about what my bills will look like next month. This month was already pretty steep, next month is going to be silly. I don't like to be hot. I am a painintheassbitchylittleshithead when I'm hot. SO, I must have my AC. When it's a billion degrees outside my AC has to work over time. I am scared. Now, don't get me wrong, I am by no means complaining about it being hot. I would much rather be sweating my tits off than, well, freezing them off. But it would be so much more pleasant if it could be like ten degrees cooler. Either that or if I was allowed to work pool side everyday. Either way...

Okay...time to do work, meh!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


So, this is my new project. Infused vodka! I started off with just pineapple but I decided to get creative and make my own "blend" as they call it in the vodka infusing world, and I added blueberries. SO, it will be a pineapple-blueberry vodka in approximately one week to ten days. The Sweet One and I had some pineapple infused vodka once when we were in San Francisco and loved it and I've been wanting to make some since. Good thing someone bought us a lovely "lemonade" container for a shower gift...he he, if they only knew what it was being used for!

On another note, I think I was feeling very productive last night, I made 4 new purses! I was also up until 2am but that's besides the point. One was the bubble gum bag that someone in Cali bought and I have to send out today.

The other three I had cut up previously and was on a roll so decided to just make them while I felt I had the time.

I love how in the midst of all this madness and the thought that I have a ton of things that still need to get done with the wedding I am sitting at my sewing machine making bags, HA! My priorities have never been in order.

Anyway, it's about hot as balls outside. Hope everyone's staying cool!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Busy Busy Bee

I have been a busy little bee these days. I can't believe there is only six weeks left until the wedding!!!

So, Sunday night I decided to jump on the computer because I needed to look something up. Well, I decided to check my work email, which I usually don't do on the weekends, and what do I find? An email from my boss titled "Read Sunday Night". Ummmm, huh? So, I open the email and it is a request for me to be in early to help him with some content for a meeting he has with the President of our company at 10am on Monday morning. Okay, Is it just me or is that kind of unacceptable? I mean, don't you think he should have called me? It was 10:30pm when I checked email and it was totally by chance. In my response I said something lighthearted like, "good thing I checked email, I don't usually on Sunday's" or something but I don't know that he got the point. I mean, he can't think this is an acceptable way to contact your employees on the weekend. Maybe I should actually say something to him so this never happens again. Now I'll either feel like I ALWAYS have to check my email over the weekend or I run the chance of missing an important meeting that I just never knew about...He's such a man!

Well, that last wedding arrangements are being finalized and I feel like there are so many little details still to take care of. I know I'll get them all done and I'm not stressed about it but damn, there is A LOT that goes into planning a wedding. My bachelorette party weekend is coming up too!! Not this weekend but next and it's gonna be fun, fun, fun! We'll see if I have any pictures or stories that I'm able to post...MUUUWAAHHA HA HA HA!

Okay, I have to get back to doing some actual work. Busy, busy...